Sunday 31 August 2014


I've been fortunate to have traveled quite extensively (almost 30 countries) and to have actually lived abroad. I say fortunate because there really is something life-changing and perspective-shifting when it comes to experiencing different places and by extension the people and cultures of those places. 

While I've lived (working and/or studying) in other countries in the past, the duration has only been for a few months at a time - 2 months in Spain for study abroad during college, 4 months in the Philippines for work in consulting, 3 months in Ghana work at a non-profit. But this new travel - and let's face it - life experience will be for a much longer period of time. 

So hello. I'm Ivie. A Nigerian-American (born in Nigeria, raised in the US) who has lived in NYC for the most part of the last 13 years and I'll be moving to London by the end of the year. After 13 years in NYC I've been able to proudly call myself a New Yorker - my formative years as an adult were cultivated here. I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to go to school here and to grow into my womanhood and adulthood in such a vibrant and multi-cultural city. But a new chapter is beginning. 

The move to London is for work and it may or may not be a permanent one. Who knows how I'll like it, how desperate I'll be to see more of my 3 yr old nephew, how I'll miss the 4 seasons of NYC, etc, etc. So I'm not thinking that far in advance. What I do know is that I'll be getting a 2 yr work visa and we'll see how it goes.

Right now I'm excited and anxious; not the least bit nervous. 

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